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Thank you for your interest in posting your employment opportunities for Ontario Tech University students .

Please complete this registration form and you will be contacted by email once your account is approved.  Please note that employer accounts need to be approved by the Career Centre before access to the site is granted.

Please note:  The Career Centre wishes to ensure our students that personal information on their resumes and cover letters are going to an established employer. As such, we do not accept employer accounts with an email address attached to a public domain (i.e. Gmail, Yahoo, Hotmail, etc.). If you have any questions or concerns, please contact us for further clarification.

Ontario Tech University
Career Centre
T: 905.721.8668 ext. 3824


Organization Information

Division Information

Your Contact Information

This is your Login ID


Minimum 5 characters

Minimum 5 characters




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Career Services offers employers many different services. To help us serve you better, please select the services / events that are appropriate to your needs:

I am interested in the following services:

Job Postings

Internship and Co-op

Reverse Career Fair (fall)

Job Fair (winter)

Information and Recruitment sessions

Participate in panels/networking events

How many employees does your organization have?

Organization Size

Please select one of the following options that best describes your organization.

Organization Type

Are you an Ontario Tech grad?

Have you previously hired an Ontario Tech grad?

I am interested in connecting with other areas of Ontario Tech University (choose all that apply)


Corporate giving

Corporate sponsorship

Professional development and upskilling

Entrepreneurship and startups