Upcoming Events in Student Life
Gender-based Violence and the Cultural Experience
Nov 25, 2022 12:00 PM
01:30 PM
Registration Deadline: Nov 25, 2022 02:00 PM
Physics and Engineering Support
The Student Learning Centre provides academic support in physics and engineering courses through workshops, drop-in study halls, peer assisted study sessions (PASS), and one-on-one appointments with an academic specialist or peer tutor
This event is the Opening Panel to our 16 Days of Activism Against Gender-Based Violence Campaign running from November 25 to December 10, 2022
For more information on our campaign, please visit: https://ontariotechu.ca/16days
Gender-based Violence and the Cultural Experience
As a campus community, we bring our various backgrounds and experiences with us. Our cultural identities can define who we are and how we interact with our world. Cultures generate pride, resilience, belonging, intersectional identities, and connection. In the face of trauma, our cultural communities can be the ones we turn to for support and care. However, our cultural identities can also dictate how we experience trauma and if a survivor will experience barriers to healing. As post-secondary institutions, we need to not only understand the many identities that make up our community, but also how to support individuals who may experience barriers because of their cultural background. Join us for a panel discussion about gender-based violence and the cultural experience and what institutions can do to create informed, safe spaces.
Student Engagement and Equity is committed to ensuring that everyone is able to participate in our programming. If you require accommodations in order to participate, please email equity@ontariotechu.ca.